Resident Evil 5
I don't really buy new games too often because I'm broke, but the demo for this was dope as heck so I ended up picking it up on Friday. I always feel pretty good about the RE series even though I haven't played any of them since RE2, but that's cool because I can't imagine any of them were better than RE2 anyway. I'm kind of gay about games and shit so when I didn't play RE3, I never played any of the others either because I kept thinking, "Gotta play RE3 first." I know I'm never gonna go back and play all that shit, though, so I figured I may as well just pick up RE5.
What I liked about RE1 and RE2 was that the games were kind of unforgiving, and you could potentially get into situations where you were fucked on ammo and had to start the game over or at least go back a few saves if you had multiple files. Also, even saving the game was something that kind of required you to weigh the pros and cons. I guess the RE games to me were kind of about resource management, and the fact that the controls were kind of awkward for aiming and stuff made shit pretty tense.
Using those aspects as criteria, I guess you'd say RE5 isn't a Resident Evil game at all. I'm pretty sure it was the same way with 4, but I never played that either. RE5 has really easy controls (though I know people who play Gears of War and shit probably hate standing still while shooting) and all of the dudes drop ammo pretty regularly. In fact, I'm pretty sure they only drop ammo for whatever guns your dudes have equipped, so it kind of streamlines inventory management as well. The bosses are cool but even if you die you start right there again, so there's not really a lot of pressure. I guess it's kind of been a trend that games get easier and more forgiving as it becomes possible for game developers to make games bigger and longer. I think even if you played through RE5 as fast as you could it'd probably still be over 10 hours long. The old RE games would probably take 10 hours your first time through, but then as you learned the game you could get through them pretty quickly, which made them pretty dope for playing through in an afternoon or something.
That's another difference between the new RE games and the originals. Everything's divided into levels now, instead of having one big Metroid style area to explore. I mean, I never really compared the RE games to Metroid in my mind, but I guess it's basically the same concept. I guess what I'm saying is that RE5 is fun as hell, and thematically it still kind of feels like an RE game to me, but all of the things that made RE games kind of unique have been removed from the equation.
What I liked about RE1 and RE2 was that the games were kind of unforgiving, and you could potentially get into situations where you were fucked on ammo and had to start the game over or at least go back a few saves if you had multiple files. Also, even saving the game was something that kind of required you to weigh the pros and cons. I guess the RE games to me were kind of about resource management, and the fact that the controls were kind of awkward for aiming and stuff made shit pretty tense.
Using those aspects as criteria, I guess you'd say RE5 isn't a Resident Evil game at all. I'm pretty sure it was the same way with 4, but I never played that either. RE5 has really easy controls (though I know people who play Gears of War and shit probably hate standing still while shooting) and all of the dudes drop ammo pretty regularly. In fact, I'm pretty sure they only drop ammo for whatever guns your dudes have equipped, so it kind of streamlines inventory management as well. The bosses are cool but even if you die you start right there again, so there's not really a lot of pressure. I guess it's kind of been a trend that games get easier and more forgiving as it becomes possible for game developers to make games bigger and longer. I think even if you played through RE5 as fast as you could it'd probably still be over 10 hours long. The old RE games would probably take 10 hours your first time through, but then as you learned the game you could get through them pretty quickly, which made them pretty dope for playing through in an afternoon or something.
That's another difference between the new RE games and the originals. Everything's divided into levels now, instead of having one big Metroid style area to explore. I mean, I never really compared the RE games to Metroid in my mind, but I guess it's basically the same concept. I guess what I'm saying is that RE5 is fun as hell, and thematically it still kind of feels like an RE game to me, but all of the things that made RE games kind of unique have been removed from the equation.